Movie Review

Working as a well tuned machine, Aimi dealt with all the booking details and I moved stuff around the house and got it all done early before any more drama happened [ominous foreboding]  So Sunday turned into a Movie discovery day, trying a few of the ones you usually look at and think…”meh”… just in case they were actually any good.

They were not

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Robust Choices

During 2020, the Covid-19 virus has slowly but steadily eroded a mark into every facet of life. Wake up and watch TV, the presenters are sitting 2m apart from each other. Go to work, now means just walking from your bedroom to your spare room. Informal team meetings that used to be held in the foye are now typed out over messenger. Picking up dinner from the shops used to attract police attention if you wore a hood and bandanna around your face, now, its Wednesday.

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Mountain Biking Beginnings

So I have a new hobby – Mountain biking – It started as a bit of a joke when Stephen said:

I’ll get a Motorbike, If you get a Mountain Bike…

I obviously agreed, thinking a motorbike is way more expensive than a mountain bike and while he may have some savings, it would be a while before he got a motorbike.

How wrong I was…

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Tiny Whoops Pt.1

Ever since I was a little kid I’ve enjoyed making stuff. My lego obsession was evidence of that enough. Evidence that filled entire wardrobes and emptied entire bank accounts… But another that went fairly unsated was the enjoyment gained from remote control vehicles. I only ever had a few of them but they tickled an itch that nothing else could scratch. 

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Giant Learning To Dance

One of my personal ambitions for this year is to learn to dance. It’s been on my list for a while and for one reason or another I have just not given it any time. A friend of mine, lets call him Phil, has danced for many years. He’s tried to get me to do it before with all the usual incentives;

  • You’ll be great
  • There are loads of hot women
  • Its great exercise
  • Gives us a chance to hang out
  • Its cheaper than a night at the pub
  • Women always love a guy that can dance
  • It builds great confidence

And while all these things are true it’s just never reached levels of interest that produced any action.

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Right Swipe

The advance of technology has changed most aspects of our lives. From the sci-fi screen of Star Trek came the automatic sliding door and handheld communicator proving that basically, whatever we dream up, we can make a reality. So it shouldn’t be a surprise technology would find its way into our romantic lives.

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