Refreshing Dive

I’m never going to get tired of having breakfast outside. It’s something that I really love doing as often as possible because we have a great view from our patio. But it’s England, so only when the weather’s good enough, there is direct sun and I can convince Aimi it’s warm enough. It just makes breakfast that little bit more special, like you’re on holiday staying at a quaint little B&B. This holiday we have had breakfast outside pretty much every day, and not only outside, but on the beach, under palm trees and the morning sun. I could get used to this…

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Personal Pool

Once again we went full Holiday German and got out early to nab a sun bed, by the pool this time. It took some strategic thinking about what to leave out to mark our spot that was cheap enough it didn’t matter if it got nicked, but clearly indicated the bed was taken. An old pair of sunglasses, sun cream, sarong and some nearly finished drinks… that should do the trick.

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Pressure’s Off

Waking up this morning, I looked across at my bride to me, neck chubb bunched up under her chin as she flicked thru her phone. She turned to me and smiled with that smile I love, the one that she does with her eyes that wrinkles the bridge of her nose in embarrassment (And I’ll likely never see again after she reads this!) 

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