Sun Burn

Well I did something wrong… and now I’ve got sunburn.

We were up early to be a bit German about laying claim to a sun bed. Not one of those common plastic loungers, but a full on 4 poster double bed by the sea. The only downside was that it had been raining and the towel sheet was soaking wet… but it was either get it now, or don’t get it. 

We creamed up and lay around waiting for the sun to come out from behind the clouds and warm up the day. When it did, I arranged myself so my head was shaded by the palm nearby and I was laying on my back, so that can’t have been when I got burned.

After a while it was getting hot and I went for a short walk up the beach. Even as early as we got up, we had only just got a bed and it was right down the far end of the beach. I took a 10 min walk back towards the bar to watch an energetic aerobics coach get people moving in the sea. There was also a volley ball game going on so I watched that for 5 mins, but I was standing in the shade, so that can’t be it. The walk was in the sun but that was only 10 mins so I don’t think that was when I burned.

We did go in the sea and snorkel around. There is a row of big concrete bags making a wave break. Around this, loads of fishes hang out and coral has started to grow. It was really nice floating around, but my back was facing the sun the whole time… maybe this was what burnt me? But it wasn’t that long after putting on sun cream…

Maybe it was our walk up the beach to the next hotel along? It was about 40 mins walk in total to go and explore the next hotel. The beach between hotels was completely empty and the sand and water was beautifully clear and clean. It was also nice to be able to go for a walk, something we usually do twice a day. But maybe it was a bit long in the sun.

After lunch in the shade, we headed a long way inland (about 30 meters) to the garden pool our room overlooks and the swim up bar. This is something I had been looking forward to since a lazy holiday was suggested. A swim up bar so fancy and grown up, I feel like an imposter. This pool was mostly in the shade and by now my back was starting to look red and feel hot. 

The most annoying thing is that Aimi had also done all these things and wasn’t burnt at all.