New Adventures

I decided to quit my job and travel.

Its been a long time coming but ultimately it came down to realising I’m only going to be young once. And, if I don’t get out there and give myself the opportunity to star in life’s stories, I’m not going to have any to tell when I’m old!

Growing up listening to my parents adventures in the USA and my grandparents adventures in Africa has made me thirsty for the experience. Coupled with a taster month in Vietnam last year, had the effect of enhancing my hunger further!

New Zealand and Thailand are the destinations I’m exploring on this jaunt. I’ve heard New Zealand is a bikers and hikers paradise. And Thailand is a slightly more developed version of Vietnam with the added bonus of tropical beaches where you can climb, party and relax, however the mood strikes.

Currently lounging at my childhood home, after a big curry out in town, I’m looking forward to the adventure. Checking into flights and writing this blog using a smart phone, is tricky, but possible. I’ve got time tomorrow in the planes to kill so the quickest computer isn’t needed but it’s good to know its possible. Although speaking of killing things, a curry right before an 11 hour flight might not have been a great idea…