Real Legal

There is no more putting it off, so today I took 2 hours to do some work in a cafe in Aviemore. It was a fairly typical greasy spoon place that must have been going for years because the prices were nicely un-touristy even tho it was situated right in the centre. Aviemore itself is quite touristy with coaches of old people going in and out all the time and Americans walking around going “oooh” and “ahhh” at anything with vague historical pretences. 

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A Perfect Day With Coffee & Coos

With no specific plans this morning and drizzle on the horizon, we took the time to enjoy a full cooked breakfast. It’s good fun cooking in the van, but with a stuffed belly, we soon needed to make a move, to make a movement. 

We headed back to Laggan, to the 24hr toilets and noticed people in the Coffee Bothy. This wonderful cafe unfortunately closed last year and we were really disappointed because it’s our favourite place to stop up here. 

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Scoping Out Scotland

Through no fault of my own, I find myself without employment over this Christmas and into January. But I’m also waiting to start work, so I’m in a weird limbo state where I can’t really commit to a new project, but also want to do something so I don’t feel useless.

Looking on the bright side, this situation has arisen perfectly in line with the BIRD2023 event I’m running for the Tiny Whoopers! This year is going to be even bigger and better than ever, with a new venue, special guests and lots of pilots from other countries making it really special. I’ll be writing about that event later, but what else do you do when you don’t have any pressing engagements – go on a little trip!

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Aimi’s 3 Peaks Challenge

This trip is combined with Aimi tackling the infamous 3 Peaks Challenge. Shes also taking on doing it within 24 hours, a massive personal challenge that shes been training for for some time. 

Shes been ramping up the walk distances, work outs and running each day throughout the summer to be ready for it. She has some nerves about how hard is going to be. And yes it is going to be hard but I know she’s determined, fit and as long as she doesn’t throw a hissy fit like she did on Ben Lomond last weekend, she will be fine! 

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Ben Lomond Bitching

Aimi is up to Glasgow visiting me at work for the first time… it only took a year to get her up here. The main attraction wasn’t spending time with me, or visiting a new city, or seeing what I’m working on. It was to climb Ben Lomond, which I’ve proclaimed widely is my favourite mountain walk in the UK to date.

This is also the last big walk that Aimi is allowed to do before the 3 Peaks Challenge she is doing next weekend. Shes in top condition, worked hard and knows the mountains, so this one shouldn’t be an issue right?

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007 Foot Trauma

We found out last night from our waitress why we have been having trouble on this trip. The hotel we stayed at, the coffee bothy, the seafood restaurant, the crafts and things cafe and now the local gathering pub in Glencoe all have staffing problems. There just isn’t enough (willing) people to fill the available positions in the hospitality sector.

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