Turning Left

We woke this morning without a Scottish view. Then we removed the thermal blinds from the van window and enjoyed small bouncy snow/hail drifting across the valley before us. Our van skeleton remained unimpressed…

The view didn’t last long before cooking breakfast fogged it up again. But the payoff was haggis and eggs on toast, which is a great way to start the day.

We drove up to Scotland yesterday afternoon, heading for the Cairngorms. Now, adults, we actually have a favourite service stop – Tebay – try it, you won’t be disappointed. The park up we chose (Devils Elbow – awesome name) was just far enough off the main roads to escape traffic. I didn’t want to drive too far in pitch darkness, I preferred to keep the scenery till it was light. 

And we were not disappointed. Today we enjoyed a long drive through the mountains and forests. We chose to go the long way round to Kingussie so ended up turning left about 7 times consecutively.

We are up here for a couple reasons; scouting out locations on hills to be wed and dropping off our marriage documents at the registrar’s office. The cavemen working there don’t accept digital copies – even in this day and age. 

We were given a list of good viewpoints by our excellent photographer, and we enjoy a good walk so 2+2= long weekend trip to Scotland. The viewpoint was just above Kingussie, Creag Bheag and has surpassed the Pictish Fort at Laggan. Mainly because it’s got a lot more interesting trail up to it, rather than just a utilitarian forest road. It’s also close enough to walk from the town where there are coffee shops and restaurants, which just makes life easy.

We love it up here, and are falling more in love with the lesser travelled Cairngorms. Tonight we are parking up by the ski centre, enjoying the sunset view, having stir-fry, followed by chocolate (because Aimi is a little under the snowy weather) and watching Downton Abbey. Not all evenings are as wild as this!