Return To Our Valley

We’re back in Singapore again! Our first flight was really not so bad. With the extra leg room it was very comfortable. We managed about an hour of sleep, which was good but maybe a mistake. Getting kicked off the plane in Changi it was hard to focus on where we needed to go.

I had been looking forward to taking the skytrain through the Jewel shopping centre, over the waterfall, but it had been stopped for the night. The delay in departing meant we should have arrived at 00:20 but we actually got there at 01:40. The skytrain stops each night at 01:30 for maintenance. Oh well, we get a bit of a walk.

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Botanic Gardens

Reflected in the pool is the landscape we have seen for almost a month. Infact, there is very little land in this scape, we are in a city. The towering blocks loom over this small patch of sunlight I’m enjoying while writing. But soon it will pass behind another tower, and there will only be concrete and glass to look at.

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Trees and Flowers and Clouds

All cities underground trains are better than the UK… Literally all of them. We invented the underground train, why do we suck at it?! Once again we board a beautifully clean train, in a huge open and light station, where the platform edge is protected by barriers that open for the train doors. Even better this time, the trains are driven by computer, so there is no one to go on strike and you can see out the front. 

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Turns out I’m a side sleeper. Even on cold, hard, brightly lit, noisy places with people and baggage walking past. I can still sleep. I made a pillow out of my shoes, with a jumper on top and lay the arm of it over my face to block out some light. Aimi had the moderately softer upholstered bench thing above me, and we had enough sleep to get us through the day. 

Continue reading Jewel