The little Winner that could…

Mui Ne to Dalat

OMG its 0430am!!! What even is this, where am I?! Why the hell would we get up this early?! Well actually why would I get up this early… The girls bailed and Mike was about as easy to raise as Trumps election campaign funds in the Syrian cuds.

I was awake now and they sunrise would be good so sod it, sleep when you’re dead. I found a comfy spot on some recliners on the beach with a bunch of passed out stoners. They must have slept there after their party because the music was still going. It was surreal to be so sleep deprived, getting whiffs of weed listening to acoustic guitar chill out music watching the sun slowly peek over the horizon.

Continue reading The little Winner that could…

Mui Ne Bribery

La Gi to Mui Ne

I learnt a valuable lesson this morning, dont take anti-malarials on an empty stomach.

It was really hot as we walked to find some breakfast. I had taken the drug in the hotel and thought nothing of a quick stroll before some food. It was aweful and came over me really quickly but i felt like i was going to hurl right there in the street! After 10 mins and some water back at the hotel I managed to eat breakfast and felt 100 times better. It came as quickly as it went and I knew what the cause was. Continue reading Mui Ne Bribery

Slap your Dong on the table

Out of all the currencies available, Dong is probably the funniest for an immature englishman. It doesn’t take much explaining how countless jokes are created; Just one example conversation,

” I’ve lost my Dong!”

“Can you lend me your Dong?”

“Can I pay in Dong?”

“I pulled out my Dong and gave the waitress a healthy tip”

It’s not mature but had us in peels of laughter discussing our upcoming trip to Vietnam. My mate, let’s call him Mike, has been travelling since Christmas all over east Asia. He has been saving for a long time for this and has now done what most of us only dream about Continue reading Slap your Dong on the table

Knee Rehab

Since the operation and the time I spent off my feet beforehand, I’ve lost muscle mass and considerable strength in my leg. I compensated, to be able to move around, by over-using my other leg so now my body is a little lop-sided. One marvelously muscular leg and one shrivelled sack of meat being dragged around. Ok so thats a bit exaggerated but I definitely have a difference in capability (and appearance)

I’ve had an assessment and the nice physiotherapist lady at the hospital gave me some exercises to do. There is nothing really complicated about it; tense this, hold that position, balance on one leg. Except one exercise for working the VMO muscle. Its on the inside of the knee at the bottom of the quads and is bloody difficult to tense on command!

Aside from the exercises the interesting thing I’ve noticed Continue reading Knee Rehab