Last night was meant to be a quieter one after recovering from the jungle. It also mostly occurred this morning so the days are starting to blur together. It was actually a far less intoxicating night, just because we spent most of it dancing like loons in the pool. This meant I felt pretty good this morning and ready for the big new years party.
Pool & Pool
I don’t want to be one of those guys who’s stories always start this way but…
Dude, last night I was so wasted!
Ferry To The Jungle
Today I arrived on Koh Pangan island. Unfortunatly islands mean ferry crossings and ferry crossing mean I’m useless as a human for the duration. Despite this, I found myself sitting next to a very cool looking Russian dude who didn’t speak a word of English. And I don’t speak any Russian, thanks for asking. Continue reading Ferry To The Jungle
Tortured Tastebuds
That’s another problem with flying long haul, you lose track of when one day starts and another ends. Well eventually I arrived in Bangkok. This is one hell of a vast city. The landscape is featurelessly flat meaning the city sprawl just goes on into infinity. Continue reading Tortured Tastebuds
If someone vindictive brought my personal definition of “Misery”to life, it would be a long haul flight in cattle class. Continue reading Upgrades
Jedi Journey
Washing a bike is a very therapeutic process. There is a method, I have developed, to achieve the best results possible. Maybe you can offer some improvements but basically it goes like this: Top to bottom, front to back, front wheel, engine, back wheel, oily bits.
Kiwi Christmas
This family DO Christmas. And they do it properly. All the food, all the games, all the presents. I was not really feeling Christmassy all around the country. The are no dark days, huddles around the pubs fire with mulled wine, and the German Market don’t come this far out. Who worries about putting on factor 50 sunscreen at Christmas time?! But the quantity of lights, tinsel and food in that house brought it to life. Even in the middle of summer.
Road Ends, Xmas Begins
The last few miles ticked by solomnly. Iv not covered any of the same roads on this journey so when I recognised the surroundings, I knew I was truely reaching the end of the road.
The Long Road North
After being escorted into the hostel by the police, I had a comfy nights sleep. Only one guy needed kicking to stop him snoring. I swear, if he hadn’t stopped, the police would probably have been called again to remove my boot from his gob. Continue reading The Long Road North
Nelson Nattering
Arriving at Grahams house in the dark meant the view was a wonderful surprise the next morning. We had stayed up late catching up on family events, plans, travels. While this happened, Osama (Bin Ladin) and Obama (Barrak), curled up on our laps and shed all of their fur. I got up to go to bed and found my black tshirt was now hairy and white.