Aberdunant Welsh Roads

After a far more stressful weekend than I deserved, we are off to Wales again on the bikes. Now I’ve graduated to ‘Fair Weather Rider’ from ‘Only Method Of Transport’, we don’t ever go out unless it’s looking pristine. This is why I was surprised Aimi wanted to ride in the rain. Usually she’s reluctant unless the weather porridge is just right… but this trip she WANTS to ride in the rain! I’m not about to dissuade her, I’m hoping she will come to Dragon Rally next year. 

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Farmhouse Rally

The house where we are staying is pretty nice but nothing architecturally amazing. It’s a 50’s (if i guess correctly) extension on a much older farmhouse, so half the doorways were made for people Genevieve’s height. It’s got some beautiful exposed wood beams and luckily i fit under those. White painted exterior and tastefully modern interiors, furnished simply (with beds that have ends…) But the location is about as beautiful as is possible in the UK. 

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Dyfi Bike Park

After a hard days ride uphill yesterday, today we were going to Dyfi bike park and getting an uplift. This is where you pay a chap to drive you and your mates up the hill in the back of a Landover, with the bikes in a trailer. You then spend 20 mins coming down the hill, back to the start, where you catch another Landy to the top again, rinse and repeat. So much easier than pedaling to the top, and before you say it’s cheating, I did enough uphill pedaling yesterday not to feel even slightly guilty about it!

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Snowdon Struggle

Well that was equal parts exhilarating and exhausting! 

It’s funny how the human mind has the capacity to ignore, and even forget, the suffering of the human body, when the suffering is in pursuit of a goal. For us, it was the summit of Snowdon. This was not the end goal, but actually the start of the reason we had travelled here; to descend on mountain bikes.

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