Tui Travel

For the first time in about 3 years I went to the dentist and luckily – presumably due to good brushing technique – I don’t have any major problems. I just need to book a hygienist appointment. 

So I did

For today

Mere hours before our flight to Turkey

Aimi was not impressed. Neither was anyone else when my booking was exasperatedly exclaimed to friends at dinner… peer pressure won out in the end and we ended up at Birmingham airport 3 hours early *sigh*

This holiday is all about reading and relaxing. Putting life on hold so I can just get thru the books I’ve been putting off for ages. Unfortunately, I’ve run out of data from all the content I’ve been streaming so Aimi stepped up and I got a load of ebooks and audibles ready. 

On the flight I managed to get thru 30% of one of them and finished watching “Valley Uprising” which is a great film about Yosemite national park and the climbing that’s been evolving over the decades. Gotta say, Alex Honald is amazing and completely bonkers. If you’ve never seen the film “Free Solo” it’s a sweaty palms masterclass. 

Arrival was easy, getting bags and our bus was easy and the hotel check in was easy – as we have come to expect with a Tui package. But then, being nearly midnight local time, the ravenous new additions to the hotel descended on the sleepy and disorganised restaurant staff. Unsurprisingly, after a 5 hour flight and an hour’s bus ride, folks were hungry. They did the best they could, which turned out to be a cheese roll the size of a bar of soap. I should have gone for the burgers the couple at the next table were having, and I said as much.

John and Jo are a friendly 50-something year old couple from North Yorkshire. They knew what to have because this is not the first time they have come here. They have returned year after year because this particular hotel has a good set of tennis courts. They come to get away from work and spend a couple weeks playing tennis together. John invited us to join them, which I fully intend to take him up on. I used to play tennis when I was something like 13 or 14 and really enjoyed it till it started getting really competitive. I’d like to see how much I remember.