Deckchair Game Theory

We had inferior deckchairs on the first day and since then, we’ve been organised. Making a special trip to the pool before breakfast to get ahead of the crowd. We kept our towels and strategically positioned them on the ones we wanted. Just as if we had popped away, to get a drink, or for a wee and we would be back any minute. This was pretty standard across the hotel so following game theory, you either join in, or lose out. 

Our tactics involved leaving Aimi’s book and her purple towel (clearly personal because the hotel beach towels are grey) and maybe a pair of spare sunglasses and a bottle of water on the chairs we wanted to bag. It’s worked quite nicely so far.

But it can go further. When you think you’ve secured a good spot, at the start of the day, the shadow from your parasol is actually shading your neighbours and you’re enjoying a neighbor’s shade further along the row. As the day progresses, they start getting nearer to your parasol and table so you’ve got to find a away to stop them and retain control of the parasol before you lose it! Its so hot in the sun, but if you can make it to midday you could then take a dip in the water to get cool. 

Cocktails will help too but not too many, it’s a fine line, because otherwise you’ll need to pee and you might lose your next move. The dip and cocktails will allow you to stick it out in the sunny bit, somewhat uncomfortably close to the approaching neighbours, until the shadow covers you and you’ve blocked their takeover… 

Of course I could be over thinking this…

Today we were back by the pool. It’s significantly cooler water than the sea, but then you don’t have to faff about with sand. And this holiday is anti-faff and pro-relaxation. After a couple hours reading and holding hands I finished one of the books: The Price Of Money, Rob Dix. 

Its very good, but a little basic at times and certainly time limited as its exclusively applicable to monetary history leading up to the 2020 COVID pandemic. However as a first step into economics for a beginner, it introduces the basics and helps string them together so you can understand some connections. I finished it in the first 3 days of the holiday so it’s time for a new one now! How exciting! I rarely make the time for reading, as much as I love it, so this is bliss.

Reading for so long, I’d gotten quite warm, so braved the cool pool water. It took a bit of thrashing around to get used to it, but a few lengths later and I felt fine. In the past and certainly in the future, we have decided we will prefer “Adults Only” holidays. High pitched squeals are not conducive to a relaxed holiday in our eyes. 

However, without kids, its unlikely there would be water slides at the hotel! This is something I find a bit strange; just because I’m pushing mid 30’s now, doesn’t mean I’ve become boring. I still enjoy water slides! Why aren’t there water slides at adults only hotels? 

Well I’m going to enjoy these ones, while we are here. Aimi’ is still under the weather so the bracing plunge into the pool at the end probably wouldn’t do her any good. We are hoping she feels better tomorrow to do some more things.

We had been keeping an eye on the bookings page to try and get one at an a’la carte restaurant that serves sushi. This is one of our favourites but we hadn’t had much luck so far. But this evening the main restaurant was serving up huge platters of it. I have to admit coming back for seconds, it was so gooooood!