Historic Hiking Food

There was absolutely no view this morning heading up the mountain. The clouds were so low or we were so high that we were drifting through them. It was also a little windy so I was glad of the two rope design of the ropeway, it must be to limit swinging around. It was very strange seeing the ropes disappear into the mist ahead and behind us. It was a little disorientating as there was zero sense of forward progress until anothe car or a support pylon loomed out of the mist. But the smell was definitely more pungent today, eminating from somewhere far below.

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Whoops, Wobbles and Clear Spring Bubbles

Well we tried…

Getting into Tokyo centre, we walked underground (which is why you dont see anyone on the streets in some places) towards the Imperial Palace. We crossed a huge, now largely decorative, moat into the outer park where there must have been thousands of short trees with perfectly smooth cut grass all around. Arriving at the gates, we had thought we could just walk around the formal gardens but apparently you either need to book in advance using a complicated form in Japanese, or line up in the morning and hope you get a spot on a tour, of which there were none left.

Damn it.

But we did get to see some rather skittish horses practicing their carriage parade.

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Grabs Ghibli

Well they say while travelling you’re going to get a runny butt at least once. So that’s where my morning went. Down the tubes. But it gave us time to plan some of our next trips before popping (read that correctly) a couple Thai imodium to bung me up for the day.

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