Tiny Whoop Delivery

Well all the planning is done and the start of the long Whoop weekend is here.

Jesse P, Mr Tiny Whoop, got a proper British drizzly welcome stepping out at Heathrow this morning. But the long flight and weather had no impact on our enthusiasm for the trip. We were both smiling and chatting like old mates as we drove over to Jaggers house for some lunch. Its funny having never met in person how easy it was to pick up and chat for ages all because of our love for FPV flight.

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Scoping Out Scotland

Through no fault of my own, I find myself without employment over this Christmas and into January. But I’m also waiting to start work, so I’m in a weird limbo state where I can’t really commit to a new project, but also want to do something so I don’t feel useless.

Looking on the bright side, this situation has arisen perfectly in line with the BIRD2023 event I’m running for the Tiny Whoopers! This year is going to be even bigger and better than ever, with a new venue, special guests and lots of pilots from other countries making it really special. I’ll be writing about that event later, but what else do you do when you don’t have any pressing engagements – go on a little trip!

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BTW – International Race Day

The day of reckoning had arrived.  Facebook ad’s posted. Event showing people coming from as far away as Germany. Prizes were organised and winners cup engraved. The race gates were positioned, LEDs illuminated. Laptop set up with a records spreadsheet (because as cool as I am, I can’t resist a good spreadsheet). The first contestants lined up on 4 stools at one end of the bar. Armed, and props spinning, they waited for the countdown to start the first race. The buzzer sounded and they zipped off the line…!

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Tiny Whoops Pt.1

Ever since I was a little kid I’ve enjoyed making stuff. My lego obsession was evidence of that enough. Evidence that filled entire wardrobes and emptied entire bank accounts… But another that went fairly unsated was the enjoyment gained from remote control vehicles. I only ever had a few of them but they tickled an itch that nothing else could scratch. 

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