We had borrowed a lot of kit from the scouts to reduce the cost of hiring lots of chairs and tables at the party. It will probably cost us the same overall but at least some of the money will go to the scouts and support their activities.
Eddie had very kindly delivered it to Milton Keynes and I was expecting to make a trip down to London in the van to take it back ready for their beer festival next week. But I found out from Mike that he would be going to Twickenham for tree work with his van. I was very thankful that he was able to save me that trip. It made this morning a lot more relaxed and allowed me to have breakfast with people that were staying at the hotel.
Aimi took off straight after breakfast back up home to get the house ready to be left. So its up to me, Harry, Gen, Mike and Casey and Mum and Dad to pack up the party stuff. It all packed up surprisingly quickly once the rubbish was out of the way. Most of it got stacked into either mike’s van, my van or on the driveway to be collected tomorrow by the hire company. I love having good mates like this that help out. It means much bigger events and cooler things can be done when everyone chips in.

Just before I left, mum was insistent that I open their wrapped gift to us. It was an incredibly detailed cross stitch of a motorbike with our names and wedding date on the tank. This must have taken hours to produce and was very nice. As soon as I got home later that day, Aimi said it should go up in the office to match the green on our walls. Perfect. Now we just need to find a spot for the bus signs…