So today is the day I admit defeat. When I first got the van and started this conversion, I thought carpet would keep it warm underfoot and keep it quiet on the road. Whilst this was true, I did not foresee another, more practical issue… Continue reading Laminate Laying
Category: Van
Camping Becomes Campervanning
One of the main parts of a campervan is the cooking equipment and how much more civilised it is than camping. I’ve managed with the hyper lightweight kit for the last 10 years and quite enjoyed the experience of folding all the little bits of aluminium up into a tiny container and storing them away in my hiking bag or motorbike panniers. These trips fell under the “make do” attitude to travel the only objective was to be out there doing it. Now, a little older, wiser and richer I’d graduated to a campervan and needed to upgrade my cooking equipment to follow. I’m not talking about a full gas range cooker and oven, but something that doesn’t take 20 minutes to assemble before being able to cook would be a nice change.
Monster Drive
Unlike normal people, Stephen is different. He doesn’t often get weekends off work due to his rota. Obviously this sucks, and any weekends he does get off work, get booked up about 6 months in advance. Couple that with how busy I am at weekends and up to this point having had a normal 9-5 job, and it can be about 3-6 months between us seeing each other. We have been best friends since secondary school so this is not a problem, but I do really wish we could hang out in the evenings, something that is just not possible when living over 100 miles apart.
Lazy Day Moving Rocks
Everyone rose late today on purpose.
Apart from Angus, Mr Moore, Tom and his mate Matt. Those guys are machines and want to walk and climb everything. The climb and walking yesterday had been tough on my knees, so today Laura took us to a spot nearby with a cool dark waterfall and little river to relax beside.
Multipitching Idwall
We had planned to up and out early so as to avoid the heat of the day. We had gotten up at a reasonable time, watered and breakfasted ourselves, made lunch for the day, packed climbing and walking kit, sun-creamed up, tidied up and still people weren’t awake….
Making Camp
Perched high up on the cliff tops overlooking South Stack, the sun was brilliant in the morning. It was completely clear but very windy so we decided to find a more calm place to cook up breakfast. I was really looking forward to some legitimate free range eggs!
Bedgelert Stroll
The morning sun doesn’t penetrate the van. Afterall, a skin of solid metal is pretty opaque and once the windows are covered up with bits and pieces of material and foil (I’ve not yet sorted proper curtains) it stay dark for a long time into the day. The heat however, that, picks up fairly quickly once it lands on the van. Even as insulated as I could make it, once the sun is up, you are sleeping in an oven and have limited time before it becomes unbearable and you have to open a door. Best make sure you’re dressed when this happens…
Early Away
Seems like recently I’ve been running around at 1000mph. Obviously not literally, that would be pretty incredible but you know that feeling when your brain is just full and buzzing with the days events? It feels like a tin of bees left on a portch on a sunny day. I’m fine if you leave me alone to deal with it, but open me up and it will be loud, messy and someone will get hurt.
Wallpaper, Where Am I?
Due to the unique way I choose to live my life, I am now moving into my van full time. It’s something I’ve wanted to do since I read Vandogs blog and I’m super excited to give it a go! This means the little bits and pieces that I’ve put up with being not quite finished need to be done, and soon!
Van Goals
I’ve got a motorbike, a big one. I’ve had it for MANY years and occasionally it breaks down. When it breaks down its a ball-ache to push to a garage. So, one of the reasons for owning the Van is to move the bike when this happens.