Sweaty Bags

I hope I get used to this heat. My word, its sticky. My whole body is just coated and stuck to every other part of my body. I don’t remember it being this hot last time i was here,  but that was the other end of the year, the dry season. We are here during rainy season. Might as well be called sweaty season!

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Travel Begins

We are organised people so we have made sure we have plenty of time to get the house organised after the mania of the last 2 weeks. Get things washed and put away, kitchen cleaned and fridge cleared. Take the bins out. You know, all the usual things you need to do before leaving the house for any length of time.

Except Aimi gets it all done in double quick time and then starts doing things like unplugging sockets that are turned off, and running a part filled dishwasher to get it done, so then we have to wash up our lunch plates by hand… 

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