What a great surprise! After a couple years off doing his thing and keeping to himself, Alex pinged me a message asking if he could pop in today. “OF COURSE YOU CAN”, I told him! It was a great surprise for people and he even brought us some wedding gift booze. You can definitely come again!
Today started off easy, just a bit of tidying and getting food and BBQ ready. We were done by 11am and then we got a little time to sit and chill out before people started arriving. It was a typical SUMC friends BBQ where everyone brings what they want to eat and drink and we provided the charcoal and nibbles. Normally we would end up with a load of stuff left over but we were adamant that it all be taken home because we aren’t going to be here to eat it.
Kay and Jord and new baby Gwen came to meet everyone in one go. At one point all the girls, including Aimi, were crowded around cooing. Luckily Aimi already has her fluff-baby to look after and worry about. They had also turned up with a birthday cake for Kai, to add to the 2 birthday cakes we got for him already, AND Scott had brought homemade brownies ( which are literally my favourite brownie in the whole world ) so we had loads of cake to eat.
It was so good seeing everyone and getting to enjoy the weather and use the garden and house for entertaining. We are fully renovated now, its all done. I felt very house-proud to receive a few compliments on the decor. Its taken a few years but we are proud of the work we have done. Everyone enjoyed the excuse to meet up and have a good chinwag. Even Carly came out of the woodwork and introduced us to Dave, her husband, who I’d not met before. It was nice to catch up, especially as they had travelled so far.

Of course we had the usual pandemonium of dogs. They were very attentive to their masters when food was around but after that, wanted to play and fight. Unfortunately this lead to Kwasi pulling Nic off her chair and covering her in cola! He’s still up for some fun and hes strong even in his old age! Kayto however, acts as the Fun Police. He wants to dive in and have a go at any dogs who are having a good time so we have to hold him back. This of course frustrates him to the point of dog-yodal-screaming and turning all eyes on him in astonishment. We have never before heard him make the noises he made today.
Last week, when we suggested a BBQ to the group, we were nervous of the weather. Booking anything outdoors more than a couple days in advance is so hit or miss, but luckily today was glorious. It was actually hot enough that I had to change out of jeans into shorts! Summer has truly arrived. I even put suncream on, and by the end of the day I was glad I did. The only part of me that got a little burnt was a small patch of hairy chest! Haha!
After a lot of chatter, laughs and catching up it was past 8pm. Most people left and we had a game of Master-dater with Kai, Laura and Nathan which was really good fun. We had a good laugh coming up with backstories for our characters and persuading the dater to pick our fabricated person.
Next time we see them all, we will be married!