I’ve got a motorbike, a big one. I’ve had it for MANY years and occasionally it breaks down. When it breaks down its a ball-ache to push to a garage. So, one of the reasons for owning the Van is to move the bike when this happens.
Luckily it’s not my bike that had broken down, but my neighbours son. He uses it to get to work but got trapped at his girlfriends in Northampton. So, today I’m becoming a motorbike transport van and doing him a favour.
Now a motorbike is a heavy thing to be moving. Heavy, but designed to roll very easily so making sure this doesn’t happen while in the van is essential. I installed some load rings in the floor of the van and use some ratchet straps to keep the bike in place. I’ve also got myself a wheel clamp that bolts to the floor. This is the best bit of kit ever and prevents decapitation in the event I get too excited and crash the van.
I forgot to bring with me a plank of wood to roll the bike up and into the van. Luckily it was only a 125cc scrambler so we lifted it up and in, no problems. My bike is a 650cc tourer, built for comfy bottoms, so its MUCH heavier. I’ve still not tried to get mine in the van but I have bought myself a winch to help tow it up and in. Come the day I need to move the fatty, I’ll bolt it in, but till then I’m very happy with how this worked out.