Set Up Seats

I had already packed up the van with all the things I thought we would need for the party. So this morning was an easy job to get up and then drive down to Milton Keynes. But when I got to my van, the remote key wasn’t working and the radio wouldn’t turn on… I think the van had been sat still for 2 weeks too long and the battery was a bit flat? But it started just fine so off we went.

Things had gone to plan so far, and part way to MK I got a text saying the chairs and tables and crockery that I hired, had been delivered. Eddy had delivered the Scouts benches and tent yesterday, so everything was ready to be put up. And it was all piled on the driveway ready to go when I arrived.

Mum and Dad greeted me excitedly, and then I got to work moving stuff around and setting up. It was baking hot in the full sun and after 2 hours I started to feel like I was getting burnt. But everything came together very quickly and I soon sat back with a drink, just as David and his new girlfriend Becky and Robyn arrived for lunch. She’s lovely and he’s a funny little terror, just like all 3 year olds are meant to be.

By about 3pm the sun had moved across the sky and produced enough shade that I’ve taken the executive decision not to put up the tent. Its warm in the sun, but with a bit of a breeze the shade is actually quite cool. I think it will be ok. We shall see.

At the end of the day, more baby people turned up. Harry, Gen and baby Freya, followed shortly by Eddy, Katy and baby Anja. Mum produced a great dinner of chilli and rice for everyone around the big dining table. Both mum and dad seemed to be having great fun with all the kids in the house. Robyn and Freya made friends by throwing tennis balls around and taking turns on Freya’s new bike.