Gen, Harry, Mum, Dad, Grandad and Great Auntie (say that three times fast) had rented a villa in Hisaronu, just up the road from our hotel. With a private pool, newly built and close to town, it was very nice. Harry and I jumped in and fully flooded the patio chasing each other around on the floats. We didn’t get to enjoy the pool for long however, the sky clouded over and threatened a dreary day.
Luckily on the drive up the mountain it cleared and let us enjoy the views. We were all packed into one little under powered Dacia headed to their favourite bar with a view. Its a great little restaurant/bar/pool/BnB/resort called The Olive Garden. It seems to have grown over time into a really beautiful maze of seating areas, sun beds, gardens, decks, bars, a pool and a large terraced restaurant all overlooking the gorgeous view.
Here we had the most amazing lunch, I will never forget it. The waiter had a lacky bring over a huge fish, that he could barely carry, for our approval. This took an hour to cook so for a starter they brought out MASSIVE grilled prawns and bread for dipping in the tastey oil. I just love prawns and these were incredible! Then came out the fish, baked on a huge tray, covered in an inch thick crust of solid salt. All the juice and flavour had been sealed in and it was just melt in your mouth succulent. Coupled with some amazing fresh cut home made chips and massive salad, we were all stuffed.
We braved the cold shower that prepared us for the much warmer pool. This was the best bit, it had an infinity edge, meaning it looked like the water went off a waterfall edge over the cliff face infront of the view. We had great fun taking photos of us here doing silly poses.
We just spent the rest of the afternoon wobble jawing with Gen and Harry sitting on the edge of the view. It was nice to just float, chat and drink in the vista.

That evening we took a walk into town to sample the local culture… Of which there is none. Its all been replaced with amazing light shows and florescent bill boards and thumping music from every bar. The English have really taken over this town. There is nothing here but bars and rip off shops selling the best genuine fakes. Shop names like:
- Sports Direkt
- Nexst
- Ebag
- John Lewis’s
- Azda
- Marc Spencer
- Foot Lokcer
Also, we noticed that the only things on sale seemed to be hand bags and flip flops… None of which fitted me* unsurprisingly.
*The flipflops… not the handbags, all handbags look fabulous on me… obviously