Hoi An shopping
Our Canadian sniffed out her fellow countryman in the bar after the floating lanterns. Andrew was a good laugh and a proper drinker and introduced us to an amazing and awfully complicated card game called Kaboo It basically involves remembering 4 cards that are face down and playing them when you can. Ultimately you have to get the lowest points possible except every now and again other players can swap your cards so you don’t know what they are. Needless to say, after a few drinks it got REALLY hard to play!
We sat in a bar across the road where you get as much alcohol as you want for free and you only have to buy the mixer! A hilarious business model! Between 4 of us we got through 3 big bottles of rum and only paid for the cokes. Altogether we spent 260,000 Dong – PMSL – which is about £12!! It was all gone in about 2 hours, mostly because of Canadian drinking games, and we were drunk and done by midnight. Waking up after that heavy night, I was surprisingly fine. We broke Camilla, but Mike and I felt great and good to go!