Ridge Walk

Well not sure why that got all the rave reviews on google. I try not to have expectations, but the reviews and then locals we met had all said the ridge was “really beautiful” and “amazing”. But it was just an overgrown path that you could have found behind any council estate set of garages. Except this one had a few palm trees…

After a lot of waiting and crowd dodging, I got this one good photo. The view was ok, but getting to the ridge walk actually ended up being far more interesting.

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Ubud Exploration

We woke up in paradise. There is no other way to describe it. 

We look out of bed thru the mozi nets into the villa at the huge vaulted ceiling and exposed thatch and wood beams. There is some white chiffon netting over the windows around 3 sides leading out to the leafy garden. Over the stone garden wall topped with a lichen coated chubby monkey, is the lush green valley dropping off steeply. 

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