All the planning, work, negotiation, building and volunteer effort all comes together today to find out who are our three class finalists and winners of this year’s Birmingham International Race Days Tiny Whoop event.
Continue reading BIRD 2025 – Finals DayCategory: Tiny Whoop
TWUK League Race at BTW & KK
Van loaded and Cerb caffeinated, we arrive a little later than planned but we are set up in plenty of time. The Hann and JDog arrive just as I’m putting the finishing touches to the track.
Continue reading TWUK League Race at BTW & KKLe Whoop 24hr
My lovely Aimi granted me Friday night away, so I didn’t have such an early morning to deal with. This meant I could get there and have a chilled evening drinking with James and Cerb, Sam and Karolina, smashing down Pringles and Haribo bears.
Continue reading Le Whoop 24hrBIRD 2024 – Finals Day
Link to YouTube Live Stream – Finals Day
During Qualifying Day we had neatly split all 48 pilots into 3 classes of 16 pilot finals; Hobbyist, Advanced, Elite. I arrived early and while the computers were turning on and no one was here I had about 15 mins where I could fly the track. But I didn’t. I hadn’t thought there would be time so I hadn’t charged any batteries! For the second year in a row, I wasn’t going to get to fly my own track, but hey ho, that’s the deal with running the event. Next year for definite I’m at least flying the track in the break.
One person who also nearly ended up not flying was VikingFPV. He was staying at the whoophaus and no doubt had spent the evening getting drunk and trashing his whoop around. This meant this morning he didn’t have a whoop with which to fly so while I may not have flown the track, my whoop did as I leant him my gear to fly with. When his name came up on the screen it said VikingFPV, but in the corner it also said “Dad’s Drone” haha!
Continue reading BIRD 2024 – Finals DayBIRD 2024 – Qualifying Day
Link to YouTube Live Stream – Qualifying Day
Barely enough sleep later I found myself back at Millennium Point and arranging the last few things before people started arriving.
I got mum set up on the ticket desk with the app, pilot packs, merchandise, stickers and schedule for the day. This is something I had meant to do last night, but it just got so late that this was the first time I’d had to dedicate to the task. Dad was sent off to put the schedule sheets of paper around the tables in the pits and on the notice board. David was delegated to getting batteries ready for all the gates LED’s, plugged in and turned on. And Eddy helped me faff with everything else.
The first few people had started to arrive and as much as I wanted to, there was just no time to be social. This was going to be a long, hard, fast day and we needed to crack on.
Continue reading BIRD 2024 – Qualifying DayThailand is closer than you think
Last day of work has come, before we are off to get married. Aimi’s laptop was collected around 10am. She was done and dusted so went and pottered in the garden. She did a great job mowing the lawn and tidying up. I swept up the crumbs at lunch time, and it was done. This is last minute prep for a BBQ garden party with the stokie friends.
Continue reading Thailand is closer than you thinkBIRD2023 Event Day
I got home from the WhoopHaus and my last job was to pack up the van. I’d been collecting and compiling stuff in the living room for weeks leading up to tonight. It had been driving Aimi mad, but my memory is so bad, I knew if it wasn’t in that pile I’d forget it! Everything finally in the van, there was only one thing left to do – finally assembly of the trophies. Parts had been 3D printed and then spray painted earlier in the week but not fully dried yet. This was the last chance and as tired as I was, they had to be done ready for the big day…
Continue reading BIRD2023 Event DayWhoop Haus Cooling Towers
Having arrived at circa 1am last night and then got some beers in, we had a pretty lazy morning. I wandered down to the kitchen, following my nose, to find someone organised had started making bacon sarnies! This weekend I had enough to think about so had just planned to pop out to a cafe when food was needed.
Continue reading Whoop Haus Cooling TowersRace-Castle Whoop Showdown
This morning we had breakfast at Whitton cafe, ticking another UK classic, the greasy spoon. This was so classic, they even served bubble (and squeak) which he enjoyed. He had not had black pudding before either but that will remain a mystery for next time as once we had explained it is basically a big black fried pig-scab, he went off the idea…
Continue reading Race-Castle Whoop ShowdownTiny Whoop Delivery
Well all the planning is done and the start of the long Whoop weekend is here.
Jesse P, Mr Tiny Whoop, got a proper British drizzly welcome stepping out at Heathrow this morning. But the long flight and weather had no impact on our enthusiasm for the trip. We were both smiling and chatting like old mates as we drove over to Jaggers house for some lunch. Its funny having never met in person how easy it was to pick up and chat for ages all because of our love for FPV flight.
Continue reading Tiny Whoop Delivery