Lokrum Island

Digital NomadWikipedia Definition

A type of people who use telecommunications technologies to earn a living and, more generally, conduct their life in a nomadic manner. Such workers often work remotely from foreign countries, coffee shops, public libraries, co-working spaces, or recreational vehicles.

The idea has evolved from the business world where you would see company executives carting around laptops the size of briefcases and working in bars and cafes. These pioneers didn’t even realise they were the path-forgers of the future, creating a whole new world of work. Its now filtered down to the individual level because of advances and miniaturization of technology and readily available access to the internet.

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Buttons Croatian Wedding

The Taxi driver pulled up outside the house that had booked, there were no lights on, not a whisper of movement could be seen. He waited… expecting a flurry of movement when the alarm rose his early morning fare. Settling in for a while, he enjoyed a respite from the drunken masses demanding pizza and showing off in front of the loose women they had caught that night. Usually he would have been dropping people off at 4am in this deserted street, not picking them up.

A sharp rap on the window shocked him from his stupor. It must have looked like I appeared out of nowhere. I hadn’t come from the house he was watching lackadaisically, I was sleeping in the van behind him. I had parked up at a friends house a mile or so from the airport so my taxi ride was as cheap as possible. It was a bit strange ordering a taxi to a house that wasn’t being used, but it was totally worth it for the look on the drivers face at my sudden appearance! Continue reading Buttons Croatian Wedding